Children, youth and science in Denmark

Our support for children, youth, and science has an overarching goal: to promote more children and young people with strong science capital.

The natural sciences have profound implications for our shared culture, living conditions and perception of the world. Scientific and technological developments are advancing rapidly, and there are many dilemmas associated with the future organisation of society. Future generations need to be equipped to handle these challenges.

We want to contribute to ensuring that future generations make informed decisions regarding the interplay between nature, technology and people as well as the societal and ethical issues associated with them. We want to increase the number of children with strong science capital.

This requires knowledge of science and the scientific method, an understanding of how science and technology contribute to societal development and a curious and investigative approach to scientific and technological challenges.

We support projects in Denmark, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands.

Watch an animation video about science capital.

Science capital is equivalent to: 

  • Science-related knowledge and competencies
  • Understanding the importance of science and technology for societal development
  • Science-positive values and attitudes
  • A focus on science in family, leisure time and social networks

Numbers for Children, youth and science in Denmark
