Investigative real-world science education

Children, youth and science in Denmark
We support projects with investigative and real-world science education in primary and secondary schools.

Children and young people should have the opportunity to experiment and explore in their education. They should experience that science is relevant to their daily lives and to the development of our society. This is crucial for their engagement, knowledge and motivation in relation to science and for building their science capital.

We have a particular focus on the professional development of educators and the development of new didactic approaches in science education. We also prioritise climate education, outdoor learning spaces and incorporating authentic challenges to design concrete solutions in educational projects.

Key projects

Here you can download a series of reports that highlight the area.

Evaluation reports

Final evaluation of Engineering in school

VIVE – The Danish Center for Social Science Research

Mid-term evaluation of Engineering in school

VIVE – The Danish Center for Social Science Research, 2022

Open and upcoming calls

See all current calls
