Villum Experiment 2025

The Villum Experiment Programme supports unorthodox ideas in their early phase.

Ready to take a chance?

With the Villum Experiment Programme Villum Foundation is ready to take a chance and support the ideas which have a limited chance of succeeding, but hold great potential if they do. The ideas might hold, e.g., the potential to answer a long-standing question in science, bring a transformative understanding of a central topic, nurture a fruitful new research area or create the foundation of a novel method or technology.

In traditional funding schemes, grant proposals are evaluated by review panels which judge the merits of both the scientific idea and the applicant. Typically, such review panels make their decisions by consensus. While this procedure is time-tested and widely used, it may exclude a certain class of breakthrough ideas that can seem unripe, too risky and even naive at first glance. The Villum Experiment Programme is designed for exactly those ideas.

Unconventional thinking 

The Villum Experiment is designed to support untested potential breakthrough ideas by providing grants suitable for an explorative phase. The application and evaluation processes underpin ideas in their early phase and aim to facilitate unconventional thinking.

Important change to the 2025 call

The Villum Experiment scheme is very popular in the research community. While the foundation is pleased that this is so, the large number of applications we receive every year raises a number of issues that need to be addressed. If the success rate (i.e. the number of grants divided by the number of applications) becomes too small, the resources of the research community are not spent well. In addition the quality of the selection process may be compromised when the number of applications the individual members of the assessment panel have to read becomes excessively high.

For these reasons Villum Foundation will be conducting an experiment in demand management for the 2025 Experiment call. The call will be conducted in two stages:

  • Stage 1: Expression of interest. If you wish to submit an application to the call, you need make an expression of interest consisting only of the project title and applicant information before 29 January. 
  • Stage 2: Application. The foundation will draw random lots among the received expressions of interest, and 350 expressions of interest will be allowed to proceed to the submission of a full application.

Villum Foundation is committed to a constructive dialogue with the research community about demand management. We expect you only to submit an expression of interest if you have a bona fide research idea. The same research idea may not be submitted by several researchers in the same research group. In general, we trust that researchers will not try to ‘game’ the process.

Maximum application amount
DKK 2.5m
Expression of interest
- Open for submissions
Expression of interest
- Deadline for submissions
