
22 projects bring everyday life outdoors

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Blomstrende træer i forårssol med solstråler, der bryder gennem skyerne over en by med gule bygninger.
Villum Fonden støtter projekter til gavn og glæde for den brede befolkning med særligt fokus på projekter, der bringer dagslys og frisk luft ind i menneskers hverdag og bidrager til et sundt miljø. Foto: iStock / Niklas Storm

Daylight and fresh air are essential for both physical and mental health, playing a significant role in our well-being. However, for many children and adults in Denmark, large parts of daily life are spent indoors. With the "Daylight and Fresh Air Fund," the Villum Foundation aims to move traditional indoor activities outdoors to give more people the opportunity to spend time and have positive experiences under the open sky.

22 projects have recently received funding to bring more daylight and fresh air into the daily lives of both children and adults. In total, approximately 30 million DKK has been granted to small and larger projects.

Behind the projects are local enthusiasts and associations, such as in Broby, where the local community association has received support to establish a disc golf course open for free use by everyone, or the volunteer group in Uldum, which will weekly take local nursing home residents, who cannot get out on their own, on wheelchair rides around the town.

Larger projects driven by organizations and professional actors have also received support. For example, Nationalpark Mols Bjerge, in collaboration with Syddjurs Municipality and the Danish Hunters' Association, will launch a pilot project that uses nature sensory therapy to strengthen men’s mental and physical well-being.

“The projects are diverse, but what they all have in common is that they invite many everyday activities, communities, and collaborations into daylight and fresh air, creating positive experiences,” says Signe Staubo Sørensen, Program Manager for Culture and Society.

In February 2025, Villum Foundation will reopen applications for the "Daylight and Fresh Air Fund." The announcement will be published on the Villum Foundation's website, as well as its Facebook and LinkedIn profiles.

Read more about the 22 projects here: