Enabling young people in Europe to become frontrunners in digital and green transitions
The program supports high-quality vocational education and training, provided by competent teachers in state-of-the-art facilities — especially in fields relating to the digital and green transitions.
By green transition we understand preparing students for careers and employment opportunities in industries and sectors that work with and prioritise environmental sustainability and the reduction of environmental impact.
By digital transition we refer to equipping students with the digital literacy, problem solving skills and adaptability needed to excel in a wide range of careers and industries.
Quality levers may be a combination of introducing new methods like problem-based learning, dual learning and student-centred pedagogy, a focus on diversity in student environment, recruitment and retainment, and finally state-of-the-art-equipment and facilities.
The deadline for the EVI call is 21st of May 2025.
In 2025, we fund projects based in Czechia, Hungary, Slovakia, and Poland.
New educational initiatives and teacher training
We fund the development of training courses and educational pathways, within the fields of the digital and green transitions. The projects might work exclusively with either digital or green skills – or with both. We welcome approaches that build on student-centred pedagogy, problem-based methods and dual training, where also transversal skills, like collaboration, problem-solving, entrepreneurship etc. are included. We fund professional development and further education of teachers and school leaders related to the suggested programmes and initiatives. We expect training and professional development to be a large part of the project, and commitment and participation from management is imperative.
Inclusive study environments and diversity in recruiting
A thriving study environment that welcomes students/apprentices and creates strong learning communities is a crucial feature of high-quality VET institutions. We encourage applicants to encompass inclusive practices and to implement measures of recruitment and retainment initiatives as part of the project.
State-of-the-art equipment and facilities
We fund renovations and adjustments of existing buildings for workshops and training facilities especially aimed at digital technologies and green solutions. But we only fund equipment and facilities related to pedagogical and didactical activities e.g. teacher training, new didactical approaches etc.
We do not fund property acquisitions or the building of new properties.
We prioritise funding projects that have a systemic impact and it is essential to us that project learnings are anchored and continued beyond the project period. The projects must involve relevant stakeholders and partners to achieve lasting systemic change. Furthermore, we encourage projects to share their findings with similar organisations, integrate learnings into legislation or institutional practices, and foster new ways of thinking.
We require projects to follow up on their objectives and results, and to evaluate and communicate their project learnings. Applicants must therefore outline their plans for monitoring goals and measures.
Please note that we do not expect projects to initiate evaluations conducted by external researchers or consultants. However, the foundation may occasionally commission and fund cross-cutting external evaluations, and projects are expected to participate if deemed relevant.
Schools and educational institutions, civil society organisations, local innovators, and public authorities can apply. Applications from individual persons will not be accepted.
Please note that English is our primary language for communications with applicants and grantees. Applications and appendixes must therefore be submitted in English. Communication with project managers and key personnel must be possible in English without interpreters.
We prioritise projects that are:
We encourage collaboration with partners who can provide additional competencies and capabilities.
All types of costs can be included in the project budget, provided they are relevant for the project.
Renovation and construction costs are eligible if they are necessary for the proposed activities and will enhance the sustainability of the activities beyond the duration of our grant.
Fees for consultants, specialists and advisers can be included, such as specialised assistance in relation to tenders, renovation projects, legal compliance etc.
We do not cover VAT costs. Applicants must finance VAT themselves or through other funding sources, unless they are VAT-exempt or can reclaim VAT costs from national authorities.
All interested applicants must submit project proposals through our online application portal which opens early September 2024.
The foundation's application form, budget and CV template must be used. Form and templates are available on the portal.
Are cross-country projects eligible?
Yes, but not necessary.
Can organisations from countries not mentioned in the current call apply?
Yes, however we do not consider it likely that projects from countries that are not prioritized, will receive a grant.
I apply from one of the prioritized countries. I plan to add activities in non-prioritized countries. Can I do that?
Yes. It is possible to include activities in non-prioritized countries, but the justification and added value must be very clear in the application.
I represent a for-profit organization. Can I apply for funding?
The foundation does not support for-profit activities.
Can I use my own templates?
No, you have to use the foundation’s application form, budget template, and CV template. You can download the templates from the application portal after login.
Should we attach a full application dossier?
No, only a completed application form, budget, CV, and annual report will be available for assessment by the expert committee.
How are the characters (units) counted in the application form?
All text entered in the form, including letters, numbers, punctuation, and spaces counts towards the character limit.
Should applicants upload letters of support together with the application?
That is not necessary, but we encourage formal agreements between collaborating partners. For larger consortiums or collaborations with authorities, letters of support can be helpful information for the foundation. Motivations for collaboration and partners’ roles in projects should be described in the application form.
If there are more project partners in the application, who will be responsible for managing the grant?
All projects will have one coordinating organization, which is responsible for the overall financial aspects and reports.
Can a project partner be part of more than one funded project?
The working language of the foundation is English, and project managers and key contact personnel must be able to speak English. Do you require, that the target group is able to speaks English as well?
No, we do not require, that the end target group is able to speak English.
The foundation doesn’t cover VAT. Can applicants register VAT-related expenses as own-financing/co-funding in the project budget?
Yes, applicants can register VAT as own-financing/co-funding in the budget.
In the budget template, there is a mandatory field called ‘Overhead’. What is that?
The ‘Overhead’ budget line covers expenses not directly related to the project activities. It can also cover unexpected expenses which cannot be specified.
Is regranting possible?
How is the funding procedure?
The grant is typically transferred in yearly or half-yearly instalments, always in advance.
When can we expect the project to start?
Late December the applicants are informed about the outcome of the application. If granted, leave time for paperwork and legal arrangements. 1st of march 2026 is a realistic date to start the project.
Which age span is considered ‘youth’?
We operate with a broad definition depending on a country’s educational system. However, reskilling of young adults is not within scope.
Can I get feedback before I apply?
No, but we’ll gladly read a one-page concept note and get back to you regarding if it is a match with the call’s scope.
Why do you ask for descriptive different information in the registration process?
As part of the registration process, you will be asked to provide information about your region and the target groups your project aims to impact. This information is crucial as it allows us to have immediate access to key data, facilitating more efficient analysis, future promotion efforts and decision-making. While similar details are also requested in the application form, collecting them at the registration stage ensures that we can easily categorize and track regional and demographic focus areas without having to manually extract this information later. This helps streamline our processes and supports better alignment of our funding strategy with regional needs and target group priorities.