
47 Million DKK Awarded for Interdisciplinary Research

Villum Foundation awards 47 million DKK this year for interdisciplinary data-driven research.
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Dette billede viser to personer, der samarbejder om softwareudvikling på et kontor. En mand sidder og skriver på et tastatur, mens en kvinde står ved siden af ham, læner sig frem og peger på koden, der vises på skærmen. Begge er fokuserede på flere skærme, der viser linjer af kode. Kontoret har et moderne, åbent layout med farvede glasruder i baggrunden. Scenen formidler teamwork, problemløsning og et teknologidrevet arbejdsmiljø.

Although major challenges often require collaboration across disciplines, researchers rarely venture beyond their own fields. However, this is precisely what Villum Foundation’s Synergy programme aims to encourage.

The goal of Villum Synergy is to strengthen the research opportunities that lie at the interface between computer science and other fields. This can include engineering, natural sciences, but also the humanities or social sciences.

This year, Villum Foundation has chosen to grant funding to 10 research projects under the Villum Synergy programme. One project will receive 12 million DKK, and 9 will receive 4 million DKK each.

“Digitalization, artificial intelligence, and big data call for interdisciplinary collaborations that combine expertise in computer science with other fields. With the Villum Synergy programme, interdisciplinary collaboration can lead to groundbreaking results,” says the Thomas Bjørnholm, Executive Chief Scientific Officer at Villum Foundation.

Villum Foundation has received a total of 61 applications for the programme, including 10 applications for large projects in established collaborations and 51 applications for initiation projects, primarily aimed at starting new collaborations.

About the Villum Synergy Programme
  • Villum Synergy aims to strengthen interdisciplinary, data-driven research and is intended for researchers from computer science, statistics, or applied mathematics in collaboration with researchers from a wide range of other disciplines.
  • The program was established in 2019 to connect computer science with other disciplines and to strengthen excellent interdisciplinary research in Denmark.
  • Permanent university researchers can apply for grants of 4 million DKK for initiation projects, primarily for starting new collaborations, or grants of 8-12 million DKK for well-established collaborations that can benefit from larger funding.
  • Read more here
About the Villum Foundation
  • The Villum Foundation supports technical and scientific research and education, as well as environmental, social, and cultural purposes both in Denmark and abroad. 
  • With annual grants of around 600 million DKK, the Villum Foundation is one of Denmark's largest contributors to technical and scientific research.
  • The Villum Foundation was founded by engineer Villum Kann Rasmussen — the inventor of the VELUX window and founder of VKR Holding A/S.