The Villum Foundation wishes to strengthen access for the best Danish research environments to cutting-edge equipment that will enable world leading research within the technical and natural sciences.
Projects can target acquisition of new equipment, construction of custom-built equipment, or upgrades to existing equipment or facilities.
The programme is announced annually. The next call will open in January 2025 with application deadline 23 April 2025.
The final decision on the grant will be made by the board of Villum Foundation in December 2025.
Researchers are eligible to apply if they belong to a department at a Danish research institution with a current Villum Investigator or a current permanently employed Villum Young Investigator.
The ideal applicants are researchers at the forefront of their field. We expect that a current Villum Investigator or a current permanently employed Villum Young Investigator will be involved as applicant or co-applicant.
Researchers from qualified departments at AAU, KU, RUC and SDU can apply in odd years (e.g. 2025), while researchers from qualified departments at AU, DTU, GEUS and ITU can apply in even years (e.g. 2026).
The list of qualified departments will be updated annually and posted with the call.
Only one application per qualified department may be submitted per call.
Synergy with other research groups and researchers from other departments is encouraged but not required.
You may apply for DKK 6 -35 million.
The grant period is up to 6 years for projects over DKK 15 million and 4 years for projects below DKK 15 million.
The assessment is carried out in two steps.
Step 1: The foundation’s Working Group for Technical and Natural Science evaluates the applications based on the Terms of Reference and decides which applications should proceed to step 2.
Step 2: The selected applications are sent for external peer review. Applicants will have the opportunity to reply to the peer reviews. Based on the application, the external peer reviews and the reply to the peer reviews, the working group recommends a number of applications for funding to the board of Villum Foundation.
The board of Villum Foundation makes their final decision in December.