
New app reveals plastic in creams and makeup

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The project "Plastic Free Sea" has launched a Danish version of the app ‘Beat the Microbead’ that will allow consumers to find out whether or not a product contains plastic microbeads by simply scanning its barcode. At the same time an online petition will press politicians to introduce a ban in the EU.

Millions of small plastic particles end up in nature when you use a hair product or a cream containing micro plastic. With this new app you can deselect those products and help to stop pollution of the marine environment.

"We hope that the consumers will choose products without micro plastic to avoid contamination, and at the same time send a signal to politicians that it is about time that we get a ban on micro plastic in care products", says project manager Claudia Sick from Plastic Change.

Simultaneously with the launch of the app a petition has started. According to Lone Mikkelsen, policy officer in chemicals at the environmental organisation, the Danish Ecological Council, it is crucial that the Danes support the struggle for a nature free of micro plastics.

"We have to get micro plastic out of our everyday lives. The small, often invisible, plastic particles end up in the sea and accumulates in fish and mammals. Micro Plastics do not belong in care products, and Denmark should take the lead and push on an EU-wide ban. By signing, the Danes can help to press the politicians", says Lone Mikkelsen.

Throughout the summer, volunteers and employees of Plastic Change has thoroughly searched shelves for care products containing micro plastics. So far, almost 6500 products have been put into a database, which is the basis for the new app, that is a Danish version of the Dutch developed app ‘Beat the Microbead’. The consumer can add products that the app still does not recognize to the app, and there are ongoing efforts to expand the Danish database.