
Four projects will encourage interest in natural science

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Where does the clean water in taps come from? What stops a bridge from collapsing under its own weight? Could robots replace school crossing patrols?

How do we ensure that inquiring young minds stay curious?

For VILLUM FONDEN one of the answers to the latter question is by supporting research dissemination to increase school-age children´sinterest in science and technology and to support their general education in the technical and natural sciences. It will enable them - through the scientific process - to relate critically and creatively to knowledge and to development of the Danish society.

In December 2017, a total of 12 million DKK was granted to four projects that will launch several different activities. Read more about the four activities:

New strategy

From 2018, VILLUM FONDEN will be intensifying its focus on science education under a new programme entitled ‘Children, Youth and Science’ headed by Agi Csonka.

The funding area has two main purposes; To support general education within the technical and natural sciences for children and young people, and to inspire them to choose an education within the area to foster talents, who can contribute to solving future challenges.

This programme will initially run for 5-10 years and its annual grants will total DKK 50-100m.

Photos credit: The Kata Foundation and Experimentarium (by David Trood)